Educational Offerings
Below, you’ll find my presentations organized by domain and chronologically.
You may utilize them as you see fit. I simply request the courtesy of an acknolwedgement when you do so.
For questions on any specific presentation, feel free to message me.
EMS Education
Kolmetz, M. IPEC Core Competencies. Presented at: Wisconsin EMS Association Conference; January 31, 2024; Green Bay, WI.
Kolmetz, M. All Behavioral Health Therapies are Not Created Equal. Presented at: Wisconsin EMS Association Conference; January 31, 2024; Green Bay, WI.
Kolmetz, M. Timed Up & Go (TUG)-An Assessment of Mobility and Maybe More. Presented at: Wisconsin EMS Association Conference; January 31, 2024; Green Bay, WI and NAMIHP Summit, March 17, 2023; New Orleans, LA.
Kolmetz, M. AHRQ/IHI Quality Improvement Essential Toolkit. Presented at: NAMIHP Summit; March 17, 2023; New Orleans, LA.
Kolmetz, M. Mindfulness in Medical Education & Patient Care. Presented at: Vital Signs; October 30, 2022; Albany, NY.
Kolmetz, M. IPV for EMS Providers. Presented at: NYS Association of Fire Chiefs Conference; June 15, 2022; Albany, NY.
Kolmetz, M. Suicide Prevention & Harm Reduction. Presented at: STEP Conference; April 9, 2022; Rochester, NY.
Kolmetz, M. Hiding in Plain Sight: Implicit Bias for EMS Providers. Presented at: Pulse Check; October 7, 2022; Albany, NY.
Kolmetz, M. Tubes, Lines, and Drain, Oh My!. Presented at: FIRE 2021; July 15, 2021; Syracuse, NY.
PA Education
Kolmetz, M. Foundations of Clinical Ethics. Planned for future submission.
Kolmetz, M. Mental Health Crisis Interventions. Presented at: Drexel University, May 2022, and May 2023
Kolmetz, M. Becoming the Leader that You Would Want to Follow. Presented at: Ithaca College, January 2022
Medical Education
Aligning Educational Activities, Assessments, and Outcomes. Presented at EMSPro; October 2021; Mashantucket, CT and NYS DOH EMS Educator Update; Aprill, 2019; Buffalo, NY.
Metacognitive Activities for the EMS Educator. Presented at EMSPro; October 2021; Mashantucket, CT.
Ed Tech for EMS Educators. Presented at NYS DOH EMS Educator Update; Aprill, 2019; Buffalo, NY.
Community Health
Protect and Prevent: Vaccine Essentials for Seniors. Presented at Ferris Hills at West Lake; August, 27 2024; Canandaigua, NY.
Revisiting Vaccines. Presented at NYS DOH EMS Vital Signs Academy; January 2021; Online.