What's Your Ikigai?
Eugenio Hansen, OFS, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
I have been pondering the focus of my doctoral work for the past several months. Last week, one of my co-workers shook her head at me and said "You've already found it, it's education. You just need to make peace with it, because you love a lot of different things. Medical education is totally your thing."
That same day, I happened upon an article from Forbes, entitled "How to Find Your Ikigai and Transform Your Outlook on Life and Business" by Chris Myers. As is mentioned in the image, Ikigai is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being." After thinking about it for a day or so, I labeled the portions of the image to personalize it.
I've thought about starting my own website/blog for years. I purchased the domain name in 2015 and I've been sitting on it ever since. That you to Heather for giving me the kick in the pants that I needed. She's right, bridging the gap between medicine and education is my "thing" and technology helps me do this. I love participating in Twitter chats about both topics, so it's time for me to start sharing what I learn from the educators across the world with my medical friends across the globe. After all, if you are in medicine, you are an educator, even if you don't possess that official title.
I urge you to think about your Ikigai. This reflective process has brought me peace and direction. I wish you the same.
Myers, Chris. “How to Find Your Ikigami and Transform Your Outlook on Life and Business.”Forbes, 23 Feb. 2018, 1203, www.forbes.com/sites/chrismyers/2018/02/23/how-to-find-your-ikigai-and-transform-your-outlook-on-life-and-business/#41453eea2ed4